Exploring CILEx‬

CILEx Qualification is a really interesting route into Law that can mean qualifying with limited debt while working. This episode explores the benefits and hears about the experience of CILEx first hand.

Exploring CILEx as an Optio‪n‬
Frances Ridout (QMUL), Kerry Jarred (Jarred Consulting), Simon Reichwald (My Kind Of Future), Nigel Spencer (QMUL)

Show notes

This episode takes an in-depth look at the advantages and opportunities of qualiying into the legal profession through the CILEx route. Three wonderful guests talk through the advantages and practical realities of studying while working.

This episode encourage listeners to undertake some practical actions after listening to the episode.

- Research into the different routes available in CILEx including distance learning.
- Research what a career in the legal profession means to you and how it fits with the kind of life you want long term.


- Here is a link to the CILEx website with details of specialist practice areas
- Look at the costs of CILEx qualification here
- Check out the Regulation Matters webpage
- This is a video on the CILEx continuing professional development


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