The Power of Mentoring

What is mentoring, and how can it best help you throughout your career? In this episode we explore how you can find mentors and have the most productive mentoring relationships.

Listen to the Episode here:


In this sixth episode in our mini-series of tips and ideas for personal development, we look at mentoring.

What do you need to think about as you seek out a mentor for the stage of career you are at? Where do you find a good mentor, and what skills and experience do they need.

We discuss in the episode how important it is to be clear on the purpose: what specifically do you want to learn or seek guidance upon? Should your mentor be within or outside your current organisation – and what is the difference between a line manager’s role and someone who mentors you?

In the episode, we also discuss how important it is to consider when you should change mentor, and should you have more than one at any single time.

Questions to Consider:

  • What would I need most from a mentor at this moment in time to help my career thinking?

  • Whom do I know with the skills or experience to guide me?



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